A quick Daily Drawing about Twitter. It truly is a bunch of deaf people yelling in an auditorium. "HEY MY SON JUST POOPED!" "CHECK OUT THIS!" "I PLAY FOR AN NFL TEAM WATCH ME MAKE A JACKASS OUT OF MYSELF."
Why am I aggravated all of a sudden? Well, when someone tweets something interesting, which is very rare, I like to ask questions, put my two cents in, ect. ect. So when they don't respond back, I feel its very rude. One, this is a topic you put out there. So you just wanted to talk? You wanted to "Hear your own voice on the internet" Pffft. Twitter, more of a pain in the ass then its worth.
a silly or foolish person
tease or taunt someone, eps. in a good-humored way
a state of nervous excitement
hmmmm, i wonder why they chose to call this new 'great' thing twitter...
You mean you aren't interested in someone's daily routine? Or better yet that they are going to where ever on vacation? Or that their kid was fasinated by the big screen TV they have, or they are finishing their basement...twitter and facebook are one in the same..bragging.