Here's the book cover I've been working on for ages. Let me tell you a couple of things I don't like anymore: Water Towers, and Bridges. I've never been a fan of Beau Bridges, and now I'm starting to dislike Jeff and Lloyd. But mostly just literal bridges. The Arial Lift Bridge in Duluth took me the longest. Stupid see through objects.
Despite how many problem I faced while creating it, I like the final. And if you don't, Well, Mister, I'll engage you in fisticuffs. Plus I learned a new word "Minutia" which means "the small, precise, or trivial details of something. Neat!
No wonder no daily drawing..lots of work there. It looks cool. I feel that I could come to Minnesota and be able to find my way to all the hotspots. Let me know when the book is available...