
Star Wars Day Episode 2: The One Year Update.

Oh my stars and garters, I haven't updated in a year. I'll get on that, non-existent fans. Being you don't exist, there hasn't been a whole lot of clamoring for an update. But here is one. More later. This just in — Apathy on the rise: no one cares.


Happy Star Wars Day. Done quickly so I can do some real work. Enjoy, NEFs.


Nuke the Fridge

Hello, my NEF's. How are things? It's been a while. I've missed you all very very much. I know you've missed me. Well, here you go. My latest "Masterpiece". Wow, I think I just condescended myself. Awesome. Anyway, If you don't understand it, you probably haven't seen "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". If you haven't, I'd love to trade places with you. If you want the real definition, look up "Jump the Shark" on And while you're there, look up your favorite TV show and watch time disappear into a vacuum of nothingness.



Hey NEF's! What's going on in the Non-existent world? Nothin? ZING! Love it. Anyway. Here's a guy, I don't know what his name is, but he's this dude my Pops works with. ANYWAY, he's going to be leaving a war zone so he gets this neat-o-keen picture of himself. But, to be honest, all the bald people I draw look the same. Anyway. I know he went to West Point, so I basically made this an ode to the Navy Army feud. So if you're a Navy fan, suck it up. You won the last couple of years anyway.

Later Gang!